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This website contains information that has been prepared and disclosed by Alfa Capital Markets Ltd, an Investment Firm that is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under license number 387/20.

Although this website is accessible worldwide, the publications are only intended for use by recipients located in countries where such use does not constitute a violation of applicable legislation or regulations. The products and services referred to in the publications are not intended for recipients residing in countries where the provision of such products and services would constitute a violation of applicable legislation or regulations. It is the sole responsibility of any recipient employing or requesting a product or service to comply with all applicable legislation or regulations.

Alfa Capital Market Ltd provides investment and ancillary services to customers established or situated within the European Economic Area by means of the freedom to provide services or the freedom of establishment. The Company may provide services to customers established or situated in third countries (i.e. countries outside the European Economic Area) for which it has obtained a legal opinion, in line with relevant Circulars issued by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission. 

Alfa Capital Market Ltd will not open accounts or effect transactions for U.S. persons, except as permitted under Rule 15a-6.

Risk Warning: Any investment in financial instruments entails risks the degree of which depends on the nature of each investment. The value of any investment may increase or decrease in value and investors may lose all of their invested capital. In case of leveraged financial products, loses may even be more than the initial invested capital. 

Important Note: The Company does not perform marketing activities, does not have physical presence or tied agents, does not maintain rep-offices, nor does it otherwise solicit clients in third countries. Any services to clients in third countries are provided at the clients own exclusive initiative. 

The Company has obtained an independent legal opinion regarding the provision of services to customers established or situated in the following third countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, British Virgin Islands, Hong-Kong, Kazakhstan, and Russian Federation. Special restrictions/conditions apply. The Company reserves every right to reject the establishment or continuation of a business relationship with a customer established or situated in the aforementioned Countries. Access to customers established or situated in third Countries not mentioned hereinabove is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The content contained on this website is for informational purposes and only under such circumstances as may be permitted by applicable law; it is not and should not be construed as an offer or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments, and may not be relied upon as a representation that any particular transaction could have necessarily been or can be effected at the stated price